Tag: photography

Colorado – Not Just Sunsets!

While working through the material for today and next week, a friend called up and asked if I’d be interested in joining him for a stroll through downtown during sunset.  Being one to never turn down a sunset, or a…

Water and Light

The idea of writing with light is nothing new to photography, the very word itself means to paint with light (from the Greek photo, meaning light, and graphos meaning write), the most successful photographers through time are ones that have…

Hardware Review: Rogue Flash Benders

One of the most common search criteria on Google that coincides with photography is that of lighting.  It’s no surprise as photography really is all about the light, and when making and taking photos (yes, there’s a difference), one of…

3 Years down! What’s Next?

In the blogging community, a year is a significant milestone, as most bloggers don’t make it to this point.  Interests wax and wane, jobs and passions change, and audiences swell and sag as the community of readers often will gravitate…

Raquette Lake Rendezvous

Every year, the men in the family (cue Tim Allen-esque Home Improvement style grunts) depart from their women and the rigmarole of daily lives to embark on a quest to re-connect with nature.  We build fire, we eat man food,…

Where in the world am I?

Thanks to the timely receipt of the Photoshop Guys Q&A sets, I was effectively able to go “off the grid” for nearly a week! That’s right – completely off the grid! No email, no Twitter, no Facebook, no phone, no…

Q&A With Dave Cross!!

That’s right, you read that right – I got a chance to get with none other than the Photoshop Guys and ask a few questions about Photoshop, their own projects, and tackle everything from product preferences to personal projects and…