Tag: astrophotography

What’s a Perigee?

Without getting too scientific on everyone, an exciting moment is going to happen this weekend – it’s the perigee!  What is the perigee?  It’s the point when the moon and the earth reach their closest point between each other.  The…

About Last Night…

The first lunar eclipse to occur on the winter solstice occurred.  It’s the first time it’s happened in 600 years…and apparently won’t happen again for another 400 years.  I had two strokes of luck with this amazing astronomical event: #1…

Dealing with bad pictures

There’s no denying it – we’ve all deleted countless shots both off our camera and off our computers because they were just even to horrible to admit to publicly.  And while filtering out the chaffe from the wheat is a…

How to build a star tracker!

Rather than go through another hardware review today, I thought I would share a different kind of hardware with you – the DIY kind!  Over the weekend I embarked on a little project on building a device to track stars…

The Power of Action

Until this last weekend, I had very limited experience with astrophotography.  The concepts and techniques of the field are well documented, and I have read several articles on the subject.  What this last weekend demonstrated to me, (and what I…