Tag: 10-22

Composition and the Angle of View

We’ve talked a lot about various rules of composition – what they are (Rule of Thirds, Golden Mean, etc) and when to adhere versus eschew them to create dramatic effect.  One thing we’ve not talked much about is the idea…

How I shot Lightning!

Today the post is going to revolve more around a set of photos I took the other day – you see while en route back to the house, I noticed that the clouds were passing over the mountains and the…

Comparison photos from 10-22mm

Earlier this week on the blog, the 10-22mm Canon was reviewed, and in the comments, Julie asked if I could provide some comparison shots.  So, in the interests of demonstrating the perspective change (and provide a few sample shots of…

Hardware Review: Canon 10-22mm

Happy Monday to all!  Today is an exciting day here at the blog, because a new schedule of sorts is going to start, both to make reading more enjoyable, and to make writing more planned and easily executed. The reason…

Not Tuesday but Moo-Day

Tuesdays seem to be daunting days for the podcast, so I may have to adjust the schedule some…I am thinking Fridays in the future, but would welcome suggestions.  For the time being, here’s a couple shout outs and photos for…