Category: software

Lightroom 3 Contest Winner!

After much deliberation over the fantastic compilation of images for the July contest, I’ve finally had to just make probably one of the toughest judging decisions I’ve had to make thus far in the history of the contest series.  However,…

Migrating Photoshop to a New Computer

Over the past three years or so, I’ve had several people ask me about what’s involved in migrating from one installation of Photoshop to another, or what’s involved in moving from an old system to a new system.  With Photoshop,…

Adobe CS5 FAQ

Ever since Adobe announced the impending release of the latest Creative Suite 5, there have been many questions circulating in various online communities and outlets.  Although I was not one of the beta testers, I’ve been following the developments rather…

An interva-what?

A friend of mine asked me if I had any recommendations the other day about time lapse…specifically software for post production.  It’s a great question and brings up a subject that I am actually quite interested in, although I have…

Hardware Updates

With the last few blog posts being software-related, wanted to take a few moments to let everyone know about some hardware updates that I’ve learned about as well: Drobo – Yup, those proprietary RAID storage containers get firmware updates too…

Ammo in the armaments

Last night the DALPUG (Denver Area Lightroom Users Group) had their bi-monthly meeting and host Brian Reyman walked us through some of the features of the Lightroom 3 Beta.  It was a gret seminar and offered an opportunity for many…

Software Review: PrintKey2000

Many times I have been asked what kinds of software I use to do various things for the blog, especially things like videos, screen captures, audio recording, and all that sort of stuff.  One thing that I’ve never really talked…

speech recognition review

With time becoming and ever-increasing commodity, the ability to utilize speech recognition software has both benefits and disadvantages.  And in the interests of sharing my initial experiences with speech recognition software here on the blog, today’s post comes to you…

Flickr Plugin for Lightroom

While recently participating in a Photowalk group outing to Rocky Mountain National Park, with the fellow local photogs, I learned about this great little plugin for Lightroom that allows you to export your photos directly to Flickr…all within Lightroom!  It’s…