Month: September 2010

Water and Light

The idea of writing with light is nothing new to photography, the very word itself means to paint with light (from the Greek photo, meaning light, and graphos meaning write), the most successful photographers through time are ones that have…

Encouraging the Slide…

I’ve had this podcast done for a while and for some reason completely forgot to post it to the feed with all that’s been going on.  My apologies to Andie Smith as she was the guest for the show (I’m…

It’s Not Too Early to…

Start thinking about plans for 2011.  Typically, you want to be planning months ahead of time for the business world.  Whether you are a professional photographer for events such as weddings, a stock photographer or a portrait photographer, or even…

Hardware Review: Rogue Flash Benders

One of the most common search criteria on Google that coincides with photography is that of lighting.  It’s no surprise as photography really is all about the light, and when making and taking photos (yes, there’s a difference), one of…